Manual Medicine

Manual medicine is the use of palpation and operator directed techniques to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Manual medicine is based, in part, on the belief that man is a self regulating being and that the body, when in normal structural relationship, is capable of self healing and defense against disease. "The goal of manipulation is to restore maximal pain free movement of the musculoskeletal system in postural balance".

A manual medicine diagnosis is made using a comprehensive history, detailed and specific physical examination including Osteopathic, orthopaedic, neurologic, Chiropractic and rheumatologic exams, appropriate radiologic studies and the specific laying on of hands to palpate musculoskeletal parameters, including but not limited to, asymmetry of related musculoskeletal components, range of motion abnormalities of mobility, tissue texture changes, circulation of fluids and energy. (Text from American Association of Orthopedic Medicine web site.) For more information, visit

  • Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

    Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment is a hands-on treatment where Osteopathic Physicians use their hands to examine your back and other parts of your body such as joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles, for pain and restriction during motion that could signal an injury or impaired function. Read More...

  • Cranial Osteopathy

    Cranial osteopathy is a form of osteopathic manipulative therapy that makes use of a body rhythm (craniosacral rhythm) that we all have, to detect and treat restrictions of motion. We are not normally aware of it, but the body (including the head) very slowly and subtly widens and narrows every six to ten seconds. Accompanying this, is an inward and outward rotation of the limbs similar in quality to the rolling of an ocean wave. Read More...

  • Therapeutic Exercise Prescription

    Therapeutic Exercise Prescription begins with the evaluation of the neuromuscular system. This evaluation identifies the presence of postural balance vs. imbalance. Imbalance is dictated by maladaptive movement patterns that are neurologically driven to cause certain muscle groups to become tightened and short, while other muscle groups become loose and weak.  Read More...

  • Somato-Emotional Release Work

    Somato-Emotional Release is a part of the treatment that occurs when the patient becomes aware that there is a mind and body connection while receiving Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment.
